Visitors view a vehicle at an auto showin. Hohhot, North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region, June 7, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua]
Chinese cities with restrictions on vehicle purchases are encouraged to ease these limitationsand..provide additional quotas for.vehicle purchases, according to a circular aiming to create new consumer demand. The circular, made public on Monday, was released by.government departmentsin.cluding the National Developmentand..Reform Commissionand..the Ministry of Commerce.
Local governments are encouraged to support vehicle replacementand..renewal when conditions allow, according to the circular.
It noted that efforts will be made to steadily promote the commercialization of autonomous drivingand..new scenarios for.advanced smart driving.
Automobile-related productsand..services will be enrichedin. diverse scenarios, such as car races, camping,and..car modification. The country will also further enhance the safeand..convenient trading of used cars, according to the circular.
今天,埃安正式发布了第二代AION V(霸王龙)的内部装饰和配置信息,这标志着埃安首次采用全新的AION品牌标识。
文章来源:雪豹财经社摘要:穿过戈壁沙漠,也穿过数个时代作者 | 叶增文越野,就是在没有路的地方行驶,你必须用双轮越过崎岖
6月7日-6月16日,第二十六届重庆国际车展隆重开幕,合资品牌首款基于纯电平台的新能源轿车MAZDA EZ-6(以下